Sultan Bahoo
Visit Sultan Bahoo's shrine with the pure wish to find closeness of Allah and presence in the Mohammadan Assembly. You will be surprised because it will definitely get fulfilled.

For every true Seeker of Allah I render my guidance. I can take him from the initial stage of the spiritual journey to the final and supreme level in just a moment. Come to me! Come to me! Come to me O seeker of Allah! I can take you to Allah on the very first day.
Who is Sultan Bahoo?
Sultan Bahoo is the most perfect Sufi whose status of accomplishments is undisputed to date. He was a born Saint and blessed innumerable people during his lifetime and is still showering blessings and beatitude to devotees who visit his mausoleum. The only condition is that it should be legit. Importantly teachings of Sultan Bahoo are a source of guidance even today. His title is Sultan ul Arifeen which means Sultan of Mystic. His spiritual status is Sultan ul Faqr.
Did you know?
One can say there are two important aspects to be considered as far as his spiritual teachings and poetry is concerned. On one hand preaching Islam to non-Muslims and on the other preaching Oneness and ardent Divine love to believers.
Teachings of Sultan Bahoo impact how people lives in their both individual and social aspects alike. Therefore, individual as well as social constructs both remains the focus of his teachings. In fact, when individuals discover their spiritual destination, simultaneously through its reflection society finds its spiritual manifestation.
Death before Dying
One perceives disturbingly provocative similarities between the conditions of society as prevailing during the days of the great Sultan and that of the present days. The same conflict of ideals, more or less, which tore apart the society at the time preceding the time of Sultan Bahoo, like in the time of great Sufi saint Al Ghawth Al Azam Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani. Therefore, Sultan Bahoo emphasized on the amazing concept of ‘dying before death’ for attaining a high spiritual life to purify oneself from evils and inciting inner self.
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Spiritual Oath of Allegiance (Bayah) of Sultan Bahoo
Sultan Bahoo relates one of his revelations in his books that one day, engrossed in Allah’s vision, he was wandering in the suburbs of Shorkot when Ali ibn Abi Talib came and took him to the Mohammadan Assembly where the people of cloak, the four pious Caliphs and Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani were also present. There, Sultan Bahoo took oath of allegiance at the sacred hand of Prophet Mohammad who entrusted him to Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani for further spiritual guidance. That is why Sultan Bahoo always refers Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani as his spiritual guide in his books.
Spiritual Guide of Sultan Bahoo
Although he spiritually pledged allegiance (bayat) on the sacred hands of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) whereas he esoterically he swore bayat on the sacred hands of Sayyid Abdul Rehman Jilani Dehlvi. Therefore, Sayyid Abdul Rehman Jilani Dehlvi is Murshid of Sultan Bahoo.
How many books of Sultan Bahoo are available?
Despite not attending any educational institute, Sultan Bahoo wrote almost 140 books. Through his books, he gave complete information and knowledge for the guidance of seekers of Allah till doomsday and thus, making it easy for them to travel this path of Faqr (Sufism).
Available books of Sultan Bahoo
- Risala Roohi Sharif
- Abyat-e-Bahoo
- Nur-ul-Huda Kalan
- Nur-ul-Huda Khurd
- Qurb-e-Deedar
- Talmeez-ur-Rehman
- Ganj-e-Deen
- Ameer-ul-Kaunain
- Ain-ul-Faqr
- Kashf-ul-Asrar
- Ganj-ul-Asrar
- Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan
- Mohkim-ul-Fuqara
- Sultan-ul-Waham
- Shams-ul-Arifeen
All these books are available in both English and Urdu languages at Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications.
Interesting fact about writing
Sultan Bahoo used to write two volumes of his books; first detailed and the other brief. He added the Persian word “Kalan” meaning “big” to the title of the detailed book and “Khurd” meaning “small” to the title of the brief book.
An Introduction about Abyat-e-Bahoo (Punjabi Poetry)
Sultan Bahoo is the most popular and eminent Saint of South Asia. He is known in the whole world for his beautiful mystic poetry. Much work has been done upon his life history, He has written all of his books in Persian language but his collection of most famous poetry is in Punjabi language which is known as Abyat e Bahoo. There are 201 Abyat e Bahoo. Undoubtedly one can say that Punjabi Kalam e Bahoo is the summary of all teachings of Sultan Bahoo.
Services of Sultan Bahoo to Mankind
He travelled throughout his life to spread the beneficence of Divine love and gnosis among common people. He himself was an institution of love and gnosis of Allah and blessed people with it wherever he went. His spiritual beneficence is continued even after his death from his shrine. The theophanies and Divine Light emit from his shrine and bless the visitors. He has also left a great and sacred asset in the form of books, mystic poetry and his Sarwari qadri Order which will keep guiding the Seekers of Allah till the Doomsday.
Titles of Sultan Bahoo
Mustafa Sani and Mujtaba Akhir Zamani
His title is Sultan ul Arifeen which means Sultan of Mystics. When he became known in the world by the title of Sultan ul Arifeen, some fake spiritual guides and fraudulent all over the world, specially in the Sub-continent and Jammu Kashmir, started using this title with their names. Followers and devotees of some Saints also attached this title with that Saint’s name. It should clearly be understood that the title Sultan ul Arifeen is specific only for Sultan Bahoo. Only he truly and factually deserves and owns this title, others are just imitators.
Just as Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani announced during his address by the will of Allah, “My foot is over the necks of all the Saints.” Similarly, Sultan Bahoo proclaimed, “Since the Eternal Benevolence has graced me with grandeur, Prophet Mohammad pbuh has ordered me to guide everyone, Muslim or Non-Muslim, fortunate or unfortunate, dead or alive and he has called me Mustafa Sani and Mujtaba Aakhir Zamani with his pearl divulging tongue.
Sultan-ul-Faqr V
Murshid Kamil Akmal
The splendour of Sultan Bahoo is beyond anyone’s speculation. He is blessed with the extremities of Faqr (Sufism) and stationed at the status of Sultan-ul-Faqr V as described in book Risala Roohi Sharif.
Sultan Bahoo, the beloved friend of Allah and the leader of the Mystics, is stationed at the highest spiritual level of Fakir Malik-ul-Mulki (the Master of Universe) and Murshid Kamil Akmal Jamay Noor-ul-Huda. He declares, “I am the perfect and accomplished Murshid Jamay Noor-ul-Huda and possess the rank of Malik-ul-Mulki Faqeer.” (Noor-ul-Huda Kalan)
A beautiful verse from Abyat-e-Bahoo Kamil

Explanation: I am the falcon, flying in the Divine world and engrossed in Oneness (tawhid). As I am Sultan ul Faqr therefore I have the power of Divine command. With this power I can change the destiny as well. Great scholars like Plato and Aristotle have no worth in front of me. I have elevated to level of al-Insan al-Kamil, the Universal Divine Man.
Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen-The Present Spiritual Leader of Sarwari Qadri Order

Sultan ul Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman is the present Imam of Sarwari Qadri order. He resides in Sultan ul Ashiqeen House Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. To know more visit Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Website. Sultan ul Ashiqeen has written many book all of which are a masterpiece of Sufism. To view complete collection of his books visit Sultan ul Faqr Publications website.
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This is detailed and well researched article on sultan bahoo. It covers all important aspects of his life in a brief form. It give a glance on his teachings, biography, abyat e bahoo or his punjabi poetry. Moreover, it throws a light on Sarwari Qadri order